The Can Makers Report 2016
Nielsen data shows some interesting trends in the soft drinks and beer sectors for 2016.
For the first time in the soft drinks market, sales of plain water have overtaken cola, with growth of 10% in volume. Flavoured water also grew by 2%. Sales of energy drinks, fruit and non-fruit carbonates grew in 2016, whilst cola and lemonade declined somewhat. The star performer in this sector apart from water, was mixers where volume grew by 9%, no doubt linked to the popularity of gin and various cocktails.
For carbonated soft drinks, the share of market by pack type remained constant in 2016, with cans accounting for 31% of the volume of carbonated soft drinks and specific growth in 25cl and 50cl cans. In the PET sector there was some growth in 50cl, 1 litre and 1.75 litre packs. Other size PET packs declined marginally.
In regards to the take-home beer sector, the can’s share of the total market remained static in 2016, with cans accounting for 64% of the volume of take-home beer and cider. Glass bottles gained 1% share from PET bottles. There has also been particular growth in retail sales of 33cl cans – the preferred size pack for craft beer, reflecting their take up by retailers and the public. In cider, cans have continued to take share from both glass and PET bottles.
Looking forward, we are also encouraged by the continued speedy adoption of cans for craft beer, aided by the variety of can filling options that are now established in the market place. Indeed in 2016 three of the top four retailers have doubled their craft beer ranges in the last year, creating opportunities for cans, where their space efficiency on the shelf makes them a winner.
2017 has an absence of major sporting events to lift consumption of canned drinks, so a summer boost to consumption will be dependent on the weather. The impending sugar tax is already encouraging changes to the market for csds with more no/low sugar varieties now available. A move in part to smaller capacity cans could be another development, as brand owners seek to reduce the sugar load of some csd purchases.